Local SEO checklist for 2023

Here is a local SEO checklist to help improve your local search visibility for 2023:

  1. Google My Business listing:  Claim and verify your Google My Business listing and ensure that it is up-to-date and accurate.

  2. NAP consistency:  Ensure that your Name, Address, and Phone (NAP) information is consistent across all directories and your website.

  3. Categories:  Choose the appropriate categories for your business on directories and Google My Business.

  4. Reviews:  Encourage customers to leave reviews on directories and your Google My Business listing. Respond to all reviews, both positive and negative.

  5. Keywords:  Research and target local keywords relevant to your business and include them in your website content and meta tags.

  6. Content:  Create local content that is relevant to your business and target location, such as blog posts about local events or attractions.

  7. Maps:  Add maps and directional information to your website to make it easier for customers to find your location.

  8. Photos:  Add high-quality photos of your business and products to your Google My Business listing and website.

  9. Citations:  Build citations on relevant directories, such as Yellow Pages and Yelp.

  10. Link building:  Acquire high-quality links from relevant local websites, such as local news outlets and chamber of commerce websites.

  11. Analytics:  Set up Google Analytics and track your website’s local search performance to make data-driven decisions about your local SEO strategy.

  12. Mobile optimization:  Ensure that your website is optimized for mobile, as more and more local searches are conducted on mobile devices.

  13. Schema markup:  Use schema markup to provide search engines with additional information about your business and location.

By following this local SEO checklist, you can improve your local search visibility and attract more local customers to your business.

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